Tag: Peppers

Didja hear the one about the fresh mozzarella?

Didja hear the one about the fresh mozzarella?

He was two-timing the tomatoes with <gasp> Roasted Peppers! Yeah, I know, I KNOW! Vine-ripened tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and basil compose the quintessential summer salad.  But sometimes a girl gets a little tired of tomatoes. Lest lightning strike me dead in my roll-y desk chair, I will admit that I LOVE TOMATOES.  I prefer heirlooms, specifically our signature Polish Plum, fresh and still sun-warmed from the field.  I also like a tomato that's been sitting on my counter for a week, even if I have to cut away a third of it because it rotted.  Whatever.  It's August (or September,...Read More
Boo!  It’s Halloween!   …or It’s Your Cholesterol

Boo! It’s Halloween! …or It’s Your Cholesterol

October for farmers is like May for high school seniors.  You get a case of the screw-its.  Or the more vulgar f%#&-its.  Or just 'senior-itis'.  You remember ---- all the learnin'  you needed to do is done.  Graduation is just around the corner and nothing you do now can mess that up.  You're walking regardless of whether or not that book report was handed in. [caption id="attachment_745" align="alignleft" width="300"] Halloween zombies removing tomato plants from the fog-laden fields.[/caption] So here we are in October, with 2 markets finishing up this week.  It feels good.  REALLY good.   We're doing a CSA...Read More