But the fact that my darling boy had just gotten off the school bus in a pissy mood and was bitching and whining about lunch AS I IMPALED MYSELF led him to feel the most tremendous guilt I’ve ever seen in a 6-yr-old. It was amazing. He danced around like the floor was made of hot coals while offering up bandaids.
He was so overcome by emotion that he actually started to tear up. He KNEW that his yapping distracted me, and although I told him it wasn’t his fault (“everyone has accidents“), we both know I won’t have to deal with this for awhile now. The bloody hand is memory enough to keep his PMS-like moodiness in check. I’m still getting, “I’m really sorry you hurt your hand, Mommy” and those boo boo kisses are the best medicine a girl could ask for.
[Author’s note: woke The Boy up this morning and the first thing he did (after rolling over and trying to hide the little monster standing at attention) was kiss my bandaged hand. How sweet is he? He’ll make a wonderful husband/father someday…. not that any girl will EVER be good enough in my eyes.]
So instead of whipping up something new, I’m posting a delectable, melt-in-your-mouth cookie recipe that I snagged from Martha Stewart…. back in 1999. Seriously.
FYI: I’m a recipe hoarder. I have bins of torn-out pages and printed/photo-copied recipes, some organized neatly and categorized in folders, others tossed in for that one day when I can actually sit for a few hours and sort (that happened last winter when we were snowbound for a few days… remember that blizzard???).
We had our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Open House at the Farm this past Sunday (which explains how abso-friggen-lutely busy and exhausted we all are, because we had 2 markets plus CSA AND the Open House for which to prepare). In addition to all the regular farm work, I bake cookies (Mom does her standard spritz, I do everything else). We like to set up a table of cookies and cider for people to enjoy as they mill around and shop with the various vendors. We also have a kids’ play area and a newborn calf, thanks to a wonderful friend and retired dairy farmer.
I baked up a storm, conservatively about 80 dozen cookies plus brownies. I’m not even going into how many I ate so shutthehellup. Let’s just say I can now easily walk past a plate of cookies without reaching for one and I’m just getting over that queasiness from ingesting mucho raw cookie dough.
No point in me re-typing the recipe, especially since this bandage on my hand is causing so many typos that I’m ready to scream. So click on the link and make yourself a lovely batch of Lime Meltaways. They’re a delicate cookie, so I won’t be making them for an event like the Open House again. But please make them! They’re tender and delicious and really do melt in your mouth.
A giant thank you to those of you who stopped by The Farm last Sunday. Hope you enjoyed yourself, and if we didn’t get to chat, please accept my apologies! The place was jam-packed with people and it was tough getting to everyone.
So for now, enjoy some baking porn….

Making cookies always make me so happy! You must have tons of delicious cookies stored in the jars now 🙂
Oh, it DOES!!! But thankfully, nearly all the cookies were either eaten or given away to friends and customers at the Open House. We like to do it as a ‘thank you’ to our customers for their support all season. We’ll do it again right before Christmas, so I’ll be breaking out the mixer again.
Time to dream up the list of cookies!
The Open House was a treat! Lots of vendors, lots of happy people, lots of happy tummys–Susan
Thanks so much, Susan! We’re so glad you both were able to join us.
You mean all those cookies WEREN’T from Shop Rite????
How’s the hand doing? Seriously, there are a lot of layers in the hand where infection can spread; if you have any signs, go to the MD or ER – pain, redness, heat at the site, swelling, bad smell, fever, drippy goo. RN kisses to the boo-boo, too.
Thanks for asking! I’m healing like only a Bionic Bialas can! It looks great, a little black and blue, and after trimming cauliflower in the barn today, it has a little brother.