Tag: Recipes

Oh No, Say it Ain’t So… A Vegan is Coming to Dinner!

WHY are people afraid of different? The 'V-word' strikes fear in the hearts of many when faced with the prospect of cooking for a dinner guest who eats no animal products whatsoever, especially at holiday time.  What the heck do you feed a vegan or vegetarian  for Thanksgiving? Well, first off, do NOT go out and buy a Tofurkey unless it's requested.  Sure, some people NEED to have something to carve at their Holiday Table, but let's face facts.  It's still a processed food product that will TASTE LIKE it came out of a box. [caption id="attachment_937" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Toasting the...Read More
It May LOOK Like Spaghetti…..

It May LOOK Like Spaghetti…..

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="225"] A lovely autumn day on Celery Ave[/caption] Yeah... Spaghetti squash wasn't a hit with The Boy.  At least he tried it, though, which is an improvement over the last 2 years or so. He even tried Brussels sprouts this week.  Well, not exactly the sprouts.  You see, Brussels sprouts grow on a tall stalk with leaves coming out in a circular fashion, and the sprouts grow right above the stem of the leaf.  As Dad (Farmer Sonny) puts it, a little cabbage grows out of each crotch.  Not so appetizing when you put it THAT way, right?  Anyway,...Read More