Author: Kasha

If mares eat oats, and does eat oats….

If mares eat oats, and does eat oats….

...why is this one eating my kid's shoelace? I mentioned in my last post that we visited the babies (they literally cry like babies) at Edgwick Farm in Cornwall, NY.  I had a blast, Thomas was standoffish and quiet.  He claimed later that he didn't like all the poop in the yard.  He's not so far off, at 8, from his early years in diapers, so I don't get it, but perhaps he just had an off day.  We all have 'em. But how can you when you're getting to cuddle with THESE?!?!?!?!  I think I counted 9 doelings climbing...Read More
Jumping on the Bandwagon

Jumping on the Bandwagon

I don't care about the Super Bowl. I don't know which teams are playing. In fact, I will not even watch it until the last quarter, and that is only if my kid turns it on. But I concede.  The Super Bowl is as good a reason as any to have a bunch of friends over for food and fun.  However (and I will forever hear Marissa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny,  "howev-uh, in 19-sixty-faw the correct ignition timing would be faw degrees be-faw top dead cent-uh."),  Super Bowl snacks should not be limited to wings, sliders and nachos.  Don't...Read More
Food in a Flash: Sweet Pea Soup

Food in a Flash: Sweet Pea Soup

  I cleaned out my freezer (Again.  This is becoming a problem.) and found 2 bags of frozen peas.  There are only so many peas you can force an 8-year-old to eat before they become ammunition and are shot at the cats as they pass by the dinner table. *lightbulb moment* Make soup! Sadly, the hoarding tendency is hereditary.   My kid is turning into his grandfather and I may need to buy him a storage shed for his birthday. The Boy decided (20 minutes before the school bus was to arrive) that it was time to un-package a remote control car...Read More
Back to Basics: Homemade Croutons

Back to Basics: Homemade Croutons

I grew up on store-bought croutons from a box. I sprinkled them atop iceberg lettuce in a turquoise Tupperware bowl and doused the mess with bottled French dressing. The rest of the family was content with homemade 'Russian' dressing: mayo, ketchup and sweet pickle relish. Isn't that kinda like Big Mac sauce? I haven't had a Big Mac in years! I'm guessing, though, that like everything else made today, they're not as big as they used to be. Except hearts... hearts are as big as ever and filled with much love. Case in point: The Boy After a particularly rowdy...Read More
Cumin Lentils with Onions

Cumin Lentils with Onions

Do you like my chard? It's in one of our greenhouses - we call it Papa Bear.  Baby Bear houses lettuce, bok choy and red komatsuna.  Mama Bear is home to arugula, kale(s),  and a dozen varieties of fresh herbs. If I catch anyone in my cilantro stash I may have to  dig out my slingshot and peg them with a dry pinto bean.  Beware the wrath... LOL So, I bought myself a new pot: Lodge 6-qt enamel dutch oven.  It's red and I ADORE  IT!  I find myself using it for everything.  Perhaps that's because I have absolutely no...Read More
Carrot (not Apricot) Jam

Carrot (not Apricot) Jam

I gotta tell ya, I couldn't wait for 2013 to get here.  I am seriously in need of a fresh start and today is it.  Because, really, who could start anew on January first with all of those wonderful party leftovers lying around? The Christmas tree is out of the house (thank you, Fletch) and waiting for Mom to collect and erect in her backyard.  She is a birdwatcher, you see, and those trees provide shelter and perches and nesting places for backyard birds throughout the winter and spring.  My father expertly sunk a large PVC pipe in the yard...Read More
Bake a Batch with the Kids: Molasses-Spice Cookies

Bake a Batch with the Kids: Molasses-Spice Cookies

This is the time of year for cookie swapping parties and food bloggers are getting into the act thanks to the efforts of Lindsey ( and Julie (  These lovely ladies organized the cyber-swap (the second annual), matching each of us with three other bloggers.  I sent a dozen Molasses-Spice cookies to each of the bloggers on my list and I received three dozen delicious cookies in return from three other Secret Santas. Thankfully, there was no pressure to fill yet another holiday season time slot with activity.  We didn't have to be on our best behavior or wear  nice...Read More
Back to Basics: Chicken Stock

Back to Basics: Chicken Stock

We all know how badly Hurricane Sandy devastated our area. For once I was glad the media  hyped it to death. Many communities were close to 100% evacuated and countless lives were saved because of it.  Having survived Hurricane Irene and tropical storm Lee and the resulting power outages and floods, I know that advance warning and preparation take some of the pain and suffering out of an event like that. My first thought after hearing that Sandy would impact the Northeast was, "Oh, dear GOD, no.  Not another flood." Then, I cried. Then, I gathered supplies.  I shopped for...Read More
My November… plus Cookies, Revisited

My November… plus Cookies, Revisited

"Mom, did we have power on  Halloween?" "No." "Did we have power the day before Halloween?" "No." "When did the power go out?" "October 29th." "And what's today?" "November 5th" "Well that's just ridiculous..." **Note: Power went out 10/29 when 2 trees came down and took out a ton of lines.  Thanks to Frankie for spearheading the tree removal process!  Power was finally restored on 11/6. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Up here in Orange County, we've pretty much recovered and Hurricane...Read More