Author: Kasha

Tuscan Kale Chips

Tuscan Kale Chips

Tuscan Kale Chips, An Excellent Snack!   Can I just say that Tuscan kale (Toscano, Dinosaur, Lacinato, Cavolo Nero) is delicious?  I must. You must try it.  Tuscan variety with Potatoes and Pasta is one of Thomas' favorite dinners, and the chips are turning into his very favorite snack. In fact, the plateful of them that I left on the coffee table one afternoon disappeared  while The Boy was deeply engrossed in Legos.  I'm pretty sure the cats didn't eat them. Please don't use the curly kale to make chips.  I know, it's tempting, and it IS simply kale after all.  But...Read More
Frostbite Asparagus with Homemade Mayonnaise

Frostbite Asparagus with Homemade Mayonnaise

Asparagus with creamy homemade mayonnaise, you just can't beat it. So you saw how asparagus grows in one of my previous posts.  What you DIDN'T see was the look on The Boy's face when he tasted a piece of said veggie. I'm just not quick enough to capture some of those classic kid moments on film. Oh, wait.  We don't use film anymore.  God, I'm old. "Thomas, do you want more asparagus?" "No, no, no (he waves his hand).  I'm good.... Not a fan." I'm giving kudos to Aunt Helen for this idea, my take on her summer classic, Frostbite...Read More
Sweet Talk and a Bit About Asparagus

Sweet Talk and a Bit About Asparagus

First the sweet talk, then we'll get into the Asparagus. The FarmGirl Cooks... after she washes her hands ;) Last Sunday was Mother's Day, and since that pretty much defines me as a person, I should make note of it. Sure, it's been a while... but forgive me, please.  Mother's Day happens to fall smack dab in the middle of busy planting season and, except for the lovingly handmade gifts from my son, the day went by without much fanfare.  The fruit of my womb bought me a fan with his own hard-earned money the last time his dad took him to Chinatown.  He thinks it may...Read More
Let’s Get Into the Spring of Things

Let’s Get Into the Spring of Things

Cupcakes and lost teeth, sounds like a celebration! All those cute little teeth are falling out! I had just fallen back to sleep at 6 o'clock this morning when a bony little finger poked me on my shoulder. "Mommy! Mommy! I LOTHT MY TOOTH!    AND I DIDN'T THWALLOW IT!"  YAY! Now leave Mommy alone so she can snooze for another 30 minutes. No dice. How could I resist that lispy, squeaky voice telling me all about his toothy adventures whilst I was deep in slumber? "I woke up and my tongue was feeling my mouth and I thought it was...Read More

Bailey’s Irish Cream Glaze for Aunt Lynne

Actually, it's for a chocolate pound cake mini-bundt.... But since my dear Aunt Lynne is a lover of Bailey's, well, this glaze is, and shall always be, eaten in her honor.  I'm hoping that by posting this recipe my cousins will make it for her one of these days.  I'm pretty sure she has the main ingredient ;) You can use this glaze to top just about any kind of cake.  It was perfect with chocolate, but I'm sure some kind of mocha or even a yellow or white cake would be tasty.  Bailey's is good as is, so how could it NOT be...Read More

Cherry-Pistachio Shortbread Cookies including Gluten-Free version!

Not even eight years old and already my kid's got girls making him buy shit --- his friend Megan is selling Girl Scout cookies and last night he casually asked me if we could buy some. "I want some chocolate and mint ones.  They're only $3.50 a box!"  (yeah, for like twelve!) "Oh, you mean Thin Mints?  I love those... " "HOW DID YOU KNOW???" *** I've still got my son believing I  am a magical and omniscient being.  I haven't let on that I know all these things because I, too, was once seven years old.  I'm riding this wave until...Read More

Valentine’s Cookie Decorating Seminar for The Boy

[caption id="attachment_2784" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Made from scratch and decorated 'to order'..."][/caption] I am not one of those ‘class mothers’ who attends every party, PTO event, and nose-picking that takes place at school. I could be, now, in the off-season, but my son insists that he doesn’t want me there. Is he embarrassed? Probably. I guess that's normal, though, right?  It may very well be the embarrassment factor that makes him resistant to have me in his class. Or it may be the fact that he can’t be ‘himself’ when I’m there. Or at least the Thomas that he becomes once he plunks his...Read More


Did you get an unfinished post in your inbox? My apologies! I was writing and drinking coffee and watching It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (original version TYVM) and I guess my itchy pinky hit PUBLISH by accident! As soon as I recover from my embarrassment at this faux pas (and the movie's over) I'll finish the post and get it right out to ya.... Thanks for your understanding, and I'm so sorry! But at least you can see my creative work in progress, right? LOL
National Tater Tot Day and Gorgonzola Cheese Sauce

National Tater Tot Day and Gorgonzola Cheese Sauce

Happiness is Gorgonzola cheese sauce atop crispy tater-tots! Every day when The Boy comes home from school  I go through the contents of his backpack and homework folder.  He has some kind of reading, math and spelling homework Monday through Thursday nights.  Last night, in cleaning out his folder for the upcoming week, I found a reading comprehension handout about a type of dog that does not bark. The question that required a written answer (as opposed to multiple choice) was "Would you like to have a dog that did not bark?  Why or why not?" If there was ever...Read More
A blog post that has Nothing to do with Super Bowl snacks.

A blog post that has Nothing to do with Super Bowl snacks.

It's been a bit of a crazy January around here.  I'm working on painting and redecorating (which means a trip to Paramus to get another slip cover for the Ektorp sofa... Oh, please!  Twist my arm to go to IKEA.) and that has left my home in a state of complete disarray. Mealtimes are no longer planned.  In fact, it's usually a glance at the clock at 5pm that reminds me I have a hungry second grader who needs a nourishing meal to fill his belly.  My pantry is stocked with easy-to-piece-together foods and once a week I make it to...Read More