Author: Kasha

I Want This Life

I could take a hundred pictures a day like this - IF I didn't have to work or care for a child and home. And after discovering her sitting on a bulldozer at 4:30am (I was going out to load the truck for market), I want a hidden camera following her around all night. In other news, my baking bug inspired an Heirloom Tomato Galette with Queso Blanco and oil-cured Olives.  It was delicious and the recipe is coming soon.
Gazpacho – Summer in a Bowl

Gazpacho – Summer in a Bowl

The Allure of Gazpacho I haven't had a chance to make gazpacho yet this year. I wanted to share this 'tried and true' recipe with you.  It's been a staple in my home for nearly two decades (which makes  me feel my age, yes. Thank you.).  All the rain we've had this season, has made the tomato crop very late. This week however, we have an abundance of both hybrid and heirloom tomatoes. I urge you to grab a bagful and whip up a batch of this cold summer soup while you can.  It'll last for several days in the fridge. I heartily suggest...Read More
Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

All the way to market... IF there's anything left to sell. I know I sound a bit cranky right now, please overlook it.  I AM cranky.  Pretend I'm 4 and am having a tantrum but this time a cookie isn't going to fix it. It's been raining for days, and that's on top of the 4 inches of rain we had last week over a span of 4 days.  By the time all is said and done, we'll have had 8-inches in the last 8 days.  The veggies can't take it, and honestly, the people are starting to have a hard...Read More
Grabbing the Bull by the Horns

Grabbing the Bull by the Horns

Should I apologize first or just get to the recipe? Ok, apology: I am so sorry for not posting anything in the last several weeks.  I haven't cooked all that much, actually, and although I have TONS of ideas floating around in my head, farmwork, heatwave and motherhood have basically wiped me out and left me the shell of a woman who nods off on the couch each night while her kid rides his bike with his cousins and  the dinner dishes sit in the sink until morning. I'm not going to lie.  I've eaten more than my share of Trader Joe's Thai Shrimp...Read More
Kohlrabi Apple Salad

Kohlrabi Apple Salad

This weekend was pretty slow at markets.  I'm going with the 'everyone is having fun away while we're stuck working' theory.  So I had some time to chit-chat with customers and that was helpful because we had a new veggie this week: kohlrabi!  I was pleasantly surprised how many people just grabbed one or two even though they had no idea what it was or what to do with it. We used to grow kohlrabi when I was a kid and I have such fond memories of it.  Back then, and I'm not saying just how long ago that is, but let's assume it was the mid-70s,...Read More
Yip-Pea!  Summer’s Here!

Yip-Pea! Summer’s Here!

Peas please... I'm standing at the bathroom sink, my slippers off, as I just got out of the shower. I hear  a swish... and see a dirty gray/white paw sweep under the door. It hooked a slipper and yank it back into the hallway. So I reached under and took it back (stupid ass that I am, not thinking of getting clawed). As suspected, she reached under and grabbed it again. This time I opened the door enthusiastically (of COURSE my intention was to scare the bejeezus out of her).  Trixie flew a foot into the air then ran like a...Read More
Everyone Does

Everyone Does

Would you work for a Russet baked potato or some homemade potato chips? [caption id="attachment_1861" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Even BEES have work to do... and I don't know exactly WHAT this one is doing.[/caption] Everyone hates having too much work to do.  Or so I've been told.  And I guess when I think about it, I'm inclined to agree.   You just know there's a story coming, right?  Yeah, well...  The other day after dinner I was sitting at my desk printing up price cards for the markets and doing inventory spreadsheets, etc.  Thomas was sitting on the couch sorting his Pokemon...Read More
Reading Good. Food Better.

Reading Good. Food Better.

*said in caveman-like voice* Because if you're going to say something to a kid, you may as well say it in a funny voice. The chances of him paying attention to you are much greater that way.  Or so I've learned in my 7+ (wonderfully rewarding and seriously challenging... if you want to do it right) years of being a mother. Thomas and I have spent an awful lot of time reading lately, both me reading to him AND him reading aloud to me. It is FABULOUS!!!  I think witnessing a baby's development is inspirational and  heartwarming, but now when I...Read More
Something Old, Something New… yada, yada, yada

Something Old, Something New… yada, yada, yada

We celebrated Thomas'  birthday a few weeks ago - no surprise he's a Taurus, huh? Full of  the bull, my boy is. On his birthday proper, I brought cupcakes to school so his class could celebrate this momentous occasion.  If he can't lose a tooth in first grade, at least he can turn 7.  I didn't want to buy canned frosting, although that would have been easier and the rugrats wouldn't have minded one bit, I'm sure.  I just felt all weird since I'm pretty much a 'from scratch' kinda gal. I did a little research and nothing tickled my fancy.  I have...Read More
I Could Eat This Every Day ~ Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili

I Could Eat This Every Day ~ Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili

Sweet potato and black bean chili, we'll have that for lunch. Once that calendar page turns and April stares us in the face, we have no choice but to get our collective butt in gear and start doing prep for the season.  Sure, we've done some stuff up until now, but April is when things really get moving.  Farmer Sonny/Dad/Papa starts doing his field preparation by plowing and tilling and spreading plant vitamins where they're needed. The greenhouses get cleaned out and tilled and the beds are covered with row cover.  Why row cover if we're just putting trays of seedlings down? ...Read More