Author: Kasha

Retreating from Progress

Retreating from Progress

Eat Local and Eat Seasonal are inescapable buzzwords these days.  They are all over the news and for the most part, we all think that style of eating is a great thing, right?  Well, yeah - until we're just 'dying' for that tomato for our salad in January or by March we've got a hankering for fresh peaches on our cereal.  And when we WANT something, how concerned are we about where it's coming from? Chances are, not very.  Now, remember, not long ago ours was an agrarian society - a society made up of self-reliant farm people.  If we...Read More

The Freezer Wasteland

[caption id="attachment_1327" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption=""You're no match for me! Your icy length taunting me from afar. I'll get you... and if I don't, my ally the Sun surely will." "][/caption] You have one too, right?  The freezer, be it upright, chest or attached to your beloved fridge, tends to be forgotten territory - especially the back or bottom.  We all know the ice cream sits front and center - no need to reach or look any further!  [caption id="attachment_1325" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Maybe we need snow tires on the wheelbarrow?"][/caption] I'm mid-way through my New Year Clean and Purge event.  Each room,...Read More
Sunday Nights Were Made for Tacos

Sunday Nights Were Made for Tacos

The boy shows off his skills with Tacos, and his kitchen savvy! SWF with brain (and she's not afraid to use it!), with child (ditto), and with snark (well, this is getting repetitive) apparently seeking SOMEONE by blogging. Or so says my Wordpress 'dashboard'.  The Dashboard tracks statistics such as daily views, links clicked and how the blog was found.  The Google searches that have come up can be comical: eporn farmgirl cloves, do you need to wash kasha,  pinafore sauce.  This week?  "Farmgirl dating". I'm sure this person (No, it doesn't say WHO so relax and Google away.) was looking for 'jokes about the...Read More
How Much Eating Can We Stuff Into 2 Days?

How Much Eating Can We Stuff Into 2 Days?

[caption id="attachment_1203" align="alignright" width="225"] Oh heavenly swirls of cinnamon and icing, how I love you on a cold Christmas morning![/caption] I'm trying to find out.... *sigh* My eyes were bigger than my stomach, so to speak, and I had great plans for all the things I was going to prepare for our Christmas family dinners/brunch.  You see, now that our markets are finished for the year, I can finally focus on all the things that I've neglected since May.  And one of those things is COOKING fun and 'more involved' stuff.  You know, things I don't have time to whip up...Read More

The DARKest DAY of the YEAR

Just happens to be the FarmGirl's birthday.  Raise your hand if you're shocked by this. That's what I thought. So, my brother and cousin started razzing me years ago about being born on the Winter Solstice because it's the day with the least amount of daylight.  And for some reason, they saw me as a dark person.  (Again, show of hands?)  Could it BE the dry sarcasm?  Real plates are for wussies. Eh.  It's fine.  I am in no way offended.  I am a Solstice Baby.  It's a very magical day, a day of rebirth and new beginnings and clear dream visions,...Read More
The Colors of Christmas

The Colors of Christmas

Not the garishly bright Crayola red and green, either... I'm talking deep crimson red and asparagus green and crisp white.  Mother Nature has created such gorgeous colors that no factory (even Crayola) can reproduce them.  So, in keeping with the color theme for the season, I'm offering up a salad that will wow your guests this holiday season.    Not only is it impressive in terms of appearance, it's EASY FOR THE COOK!  Double bonus! If you're anything like me, you're probably just now realizing that Christmas is a mere 12 days away (which is why my original title for this post was...Read More
Birthday Dinner for the Woman Who Bore the FarmGirl

Birthday Dinner for the Woman Who Bore the FarmGirl

[caption id="attachment_1055" align="alignnone" width="614"] Greenhouses in December[/caption] Yes, that means my mother.... and at times she does indeed bore me.  And me her, I'm sure.  But it's give and take and that's what makes the world go 'round, right? [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180"] Little Smart Ass. Think it's hereditary?[/caption] Like THIS for example.  I'm so glad I taught my little beast his letters and now he can use them to his advantage.  Or so he thinks.  I found myself staring at THIS lovely display two nights ago.  Everything is spelled correctly, too, so I guess my job here is done. ...Read More
Brrrr!  Where are My Fuzzy Slippers?

Brrrr! Where are My Fuzzy Slippers?

'Cause it's getting REALLY cold out here on the farm! [caption id="attachment_973" align="alignright" width="240"] Good Morning, Sunshine![/caption] Temps have been consistently in the 30s each morning, but the frost lingered until long past the time when I usually take Thomas out for the bus today.   Amazingly enough, very few of the green items we have at market right now are from the greenhouse.  Most, like spinach, kale(s), collards, turnips, brussels sprouts, lettuce and bok choy, are still being harvested from the fields weekly. As long as the weather isn't too harsh right away, the plants become accustomed to the weather and actually thrive. ...Read More

Oh No, Say it Ain’t So… A Vegan is Coming to Dinner!

WHY are people afraid of different? The 'V-word' strikes fear in the hearts of many when faced with the prospect of cooking for a dinner guest who eats no animal products whatsoever, especially at holiday time.  What the heck do you feed a vegan or vegetarian  for Thanksgiving? Well, first off, do NOT go out and buy a Tofurkey unless it's requested.  Sure, some people NEED to have something to carve at their Holiday Table, but let's face facts.  It's still a processed food product that will TASTE LIKE it came out of a box. [caption id="attachment_937" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Toasting the...Read More
Breaking News….

Breaking News….

  [caption id="attachment_921" align="alignright" width="180"] Mmmm.... Limey![/caption] FarmGirl Stabs Self in Hand with Steak Knife.  Was Sandwich Worth Bloodshed? No.  It wasn't. But the fact that my darling boy had just gotten off the school bus in a pissy mood and was bitching and whining about lunch AS I IMPALED MYSELF led him to feel the most tremendous guilt I've ever seen in a 6-yr-old.  It was amazing.  He danced around like the floor was made of hot coals while offering up bandaids. He was so overcome by emotion that he actually started to tear up.  He KNEW that his yapping distracted me, and although...Read More