Author: Kasha

Don That Bonnet and Pinafore, Half-Pint — It’s Time to ‘Put Up’ for the Long Winter

I'm hoping that at least SOME of you will get the Little House on the Prairie reference in there.  I'm also hoping that none of my relatives have either photographs of me in a bonnet and apron or the wherewithall to scan and post said photos (face it - my childhood was waaayyyy over before digital cameras were even born).   [caption id="attachment_550" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="How many forklifts does it take to change a lightbulb?"][/caption] This is a busy time of year at the farm, especially when we hit mid-September and haven't had a frost.  Frost wipes out most summer crops - tomatoes, beans,...Read More
“I love you more than Daddy…. but not more than Santa.”

“I love you more than Daddy…. but not more than Santa.”

[caption id="attachment_499" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Mutual Admiration Society[/caption] Yeah... this is gonna be a sappy one. Since school started (which, let's be honest, NONE of us could wait for), I've been missing my little sidekick. Kinda. I mean, having him with me (and trying to entertain and keep safe a 6-year-old with equally active mind and body) while I worked was a bit frustrating at times because even a big boy needs cuddle time and sometimes that really interferes with getting my work done. [caption id="attachment_500" align="alignright" width="135"] Boxing Zucchini with Grandma[/caption] Since day camp ended a month ago, Thomas...Read More

The Little Black Dress in the Kitchen

 * So here I am trying to type and post these recipe ideas and The Boy is being very affectionate and needy.  He's wonderfully happy, and ridiculously talkative, as any young man would be after riding along with Papa in the John Deere for the last hour.  He is emptying the contents of his piggy bank (ie coffee can with slit in lid) on my desk between me and my keyboard.  He reminds me of my cat (RIP, Miss Book), climbing all over me 'in the heat of the moment' like nothing important is going on (no comment) and why can't I interrupt?  This is...Read More
Zsa Zsa on Celery Avenue?

Zsa Zsa on Celery Avenue?

A Sandwich to Remember, A Friend to Share With My dear friend Jenny came to visit me on the farm 2 weeks ago.  We've talked about it for a long time, and finally it happened. She's an excellent vegetarian cook and we can talk for hours about new combinations and food ideas.  Jenny enjoys cuisines from all around the world. Living in an urban setting offers her the opportunity to explore a bit more than here in Orange County. Together we chose ingredients grown here on the farm and created a beautiful sandwich. Jenny and I met several years ago on the Weight Watchers online message boards, so...Read More
Just Your Average Summer Night’s Supper on the Farm

Just Your Average Summer Night’s Supper on the Farm

Not every dish I make has a cute story or a long, convoluted explanation or especially intensive preparations. But the Fairy Tale Eggplant do lend themselves to that. Sometimes they're just ideas that spring to mind when I'm picking or washing the veggies, or sorting the cooler (BIG refrigerator - like, we drive a forklift in there big) all by my lonesome.  I get a lot of thinking done in my 38-degree solitude! Sometimes I just have to get dinner on the table and this hungry farmer needs some good home cookin'!  Plus Dad will stop by most nights for at...Read More
This One Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

This One Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Or at least it will if you're 6 years old and you're hot and tired and hungry and your mean, nasty mother didn't consult you regarding the dinner menu. *Author's Note:   This masterpiece is titled 'Self-portrait of a Winge Bag' or ---  'Before the Fall'. Here I am thinking I'll make something really cool and colorful (for the kid) and quick and easy (for the mom) for dinner....  It WAS all of those things, and more importantly, it was damn delicious!  But this wonderful dinner was marred by the sobbing and sniffling coming from the living room sofa. Out of the corner of my...Read More

Feedback …with Pictures!

As you have probably learned by now, I love to make up recipes and create new things with all the ideas swimming around in my head (no jokes about all the space up there, please!).  It helps to sell Bialas Farms produce when I have ideas to give people about how to use things.  But it also helps me give back to the customers.  Without them (YOU!), we wouldn't be able to do what we do. Well, I've gotten some feedback about The FarmGirl's Mint Lemonade. [caption id="attachment_272" align="alignleft" width="300"] Kevin is almost ready to take on Tom Cruise as...Read More
Afternoon Delight… Or Love Apples, the Stinking Rose, and… Crest?

Afternoon Delight… Or Love Apples, the Stinking Rose, and… Crest?

[caption id="attachment_242" align="alignright" width="225"] SunGold Low-acid Cherry Tomatoes[/caption] Afternoon Delight, Tomatoes, Homegrown and Full of Summer The calendar turns to June and people's tongues start hanging for a real, vine-ripened, homegrown tomatoes.  Anyone who has lived in the Northeast for more than a few growing seasons KNOWS that you will NOT find a local tomato in June, but we can hope... and crave... and dream a little. We farmers aren't immune to the siren song of the Love Apple either.   Why 'love apple', you ask?  It is, according to Food Lover's Companion, "a tomato moniker that originated in the 16th...Read More
A Summer Afternoon Harvest… with Testy McDramaPants

A Summer Afternoon Harvest… with Testy McDramaPants

  Harvesting Potatoes on a Summer Afternoon Makes a Welcome Meal [caption id="attachment_202" align="alignleft" width="300"] Potato Patch 2010 - Just Planted[/caption] "C'mon, Thomas.  Let's go get some potatoes for dinner." That doesn't mean going to the store, or even to the barn... yet. Yesterday, it meant going out to the field to dig them up fresh. REALLY?   Yes. With the afternoon sun beating down upon us, and with temperatures nearing 100, I dragged the "poor boy" all the way to the other side of the farm just to get potatoes for dinner. He was gung ho about it until we burned...Read More
The FarmGirl Relaxer

The FarmGirl Relaxer

Delicious Mint Lemonade Remember that Mint Simple Syrup recipe I posted on June 2? That's the key to the Mint Lemonade I made for today's Open House at The Farm. Glad you all liked it so much! There's no better time than a steamy July 4th weekend to stir up a pitcher.  So go grab that spearmint from the yard (which has probably creeped into the NEIGHBOR'S yard, too) and whip up a batch of syrup to use in these tasty drinks. The FarmGirl's SpearMint Lemonade 1/2 cup Spearmint Simple Syrup 1/4 cup freshly squeezed (or frozen or bottled) Lemon Juice 1 cup Cold...Read More