Author: Kasha

You Won’t Believe This….

Or maybe you will.  If you're in the northeast, you probably got hit hard by Snowtober, that glorious nor'easter that snuck up on us and left so many of us in the cold.  Who the hell thinks up these hokey names, anyway?  And why am I using this one?  Sheesh.... So we're literally stuck on the farm with no power, no heat and no water (going on 3 full days, and authorities say service won't be restored for at least another 3 days).  I'm so thankful to Irene and Lee for the training we received during the floods.  If not...Read More

Butternut Squash Risotto in a Hurry

This was my snack the other day.   These lovely sungold cherry tomatoes were like a burst of sweet sunshine and eating them almost made me forget just what a freakin' mess it is out in the fields. We have three greenhouses of different sizes.  They've been named Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear.  Baby Bear currently houses an assortment of 'leftovers' since it's the only greenhouse that wasn't flooded. These cherry tomatoes came from one of those leftovers.  There's also a selection of hotter-than-hot chile peppers, a flat of rosemary, several assorted variety tomato and pepper plants all in...Read More
Take a Leek… For Example

Take a Leek… For Example

Leeks, like their cousins shallots, onions and cippolini, are a staple in many dishes. The alliums mentioned each have a slightly different texture and flavor, but rarely serve as the main ingredient in a recipe. Enter the Leek Tart. I first tried this several years ago - got the recipe from The Joy of Cooking. Back then I couldn't make a pie crust to save my life. Somehow, though, over the years, I've gained my mother's ability to whip together a crust, roll it out (ok, it's still never a circle, which the math geek in me HATES) and have it baking...Read More
Salt-n-Rosemary Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Salt-n-Rosemary Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling potatoes, or...what to make when you are craving salt and starch and you don't want to run all the way to 7-11 for chips and onion dip. It was rainy last Monday. Oh, wait.  It's been rainy pretty much EVERY Monday since God knows when. I wanted to warm up the house a little so I got some Austrian Crescent fingerling potatoes ready for baking.  Then the idea of baking them in salt smacked me in the face. Years ago, my girlfriend used to get baby potatoes from us at the market. She raved about baking them in salt. ...Read More
Life Goes On. I Guess.

Life Goes On. I Guess.

Ready or not, life does indeed go on after a natural disaster.  Heck, for those not affected, life continues unchanged... THEY remain unchanged. But sometimes an event affects you so deeply that even going about your regular daily chores is an emotional struggle.  I found myself in need of basic essentials following the second flood and when the road was finally cleared and my car didn't have to don water wings to make it through, I went to Target.  I did a quick browse through Borders as it was their last few days in business (this makes me very sad) and I...Read More
Brief Respite and Breakfast for Dinner

Brief Respite and Breakfast for Dinner

[caption id="attachment_2080" align="alignright" width="300"] I love him... 'cause he's a lot like me.[/caption] I know.  I've been a total Debbie Downer lately and I'm sorry.  Ironically, my snark has been off the charts, but I just don't feel like recounting much of it.  I've been very sentimental.  I guess that comes from seeing so many valued possessions soaked to ruin and/or washed away.  Some things I'm sure we haven't even realized are missing will likely be remembered at a later date -- and we'll say, "oh.  The floods." We did the same thing when our barn burned to the ground in...Read More

I Married My Father

And not in the good "I could make a gajillion dollars off a reality show" way, either. You see, when the first flood hit (I cannot believe I'm writing it like that -- but there were indeed TWO FLOODS within a two-week span), my parents' home suffered some damage that made it impossible for them to live there.  Kay brought over a motorhome and Mom and the dog (Mikey) have been living in it.  But after 40 years of marriage, Mom and Dad no longer share a bedroom, one reason being they both snore and keep each other up.  Plus, the dog has...Read More

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly… Irene Edition

The Good Friends that give of themselves to make things a little easier for us following the devastating floods of Hurricane Irene. Kay brought over a motorhome for Mom and her baby (14 yr old blind dog) to live in while home is in disrepair. Dad is staying in Thomas' room with the tv we took from Mom's bedroom.  When I got up the first morning he was with us, he asked for remote control instructions.  "How do I change the channel?  I got stuck watching Jersey Shore for hours!"   Stuck?  When I laughed and asked about The Situation, HE NAMED OTHER...Read More
Hurricane Grill

Hurricane Grill

This would be lovely if the river wasn't so perilously close to our homes.  I read so many posts on Facebook last weekend talking up "hurricane parties" and the various cocktails to be served at such.   I saw tons of signs in stores warning us to gather emergency goods, stock up on water and canned goods and bread. I BAERed a bit, but still took heed and bottled up gallons and gallons of water.  I know what it's like out here in the wilderness when the power goes out.  (Ok, we're 10 minutes from one of 3 real cities in Orange...Read More